Veggie Wrap

Farmer’s Wrap


The Veggie Wrap is stuffed with seasonal vegetables.
We mix juice pulp into the tortilla dough to make our wrap even more rich in nutrients and taste.

Bite, Fun, Healthy

Why Juice?のファーマーズラップは、コールドプレスジュースを製造する際に出る野菜や果物のパルプ(果皮や繊維)を混ぜこんだ特別な味。

The secret of the delicious taste and flavor of our Veggie Wrap is the pulp extracted from our Cold Pressed Juice.
Because the vegetables and fruits are selected with care, the pulp is also safe to eat and is a good source of fiber.
The lactobacillus added to the tortilla dough works to smoothen the texture keeping calories down and digestion easy.

3 wraps come in different colors with different nutrition benefits.
The fillings of seasonal leaves, root vegetables and fruits are combined with mushrooms, millet, peas, ofu or seaweed.
A refreshing way to enjoy vegetables.

Abundant in vitamins, minerals and protein, they area a balanced source of nutrition and an ideal and satisfying meal for everyone, including vegetarian and dieters.

Why Juice?の素となる野菜やその生産者、またWhy Juice?がインスパイアされた人々やストーリーを紹介。 Stories of people, lifestyles, food we have been inspired of.